Most of us need to work for a living in order to survive. So trying to get through your breakup and go to work at the same time can be overwhelming. Some days all you want to do is hide in the bathroom or curl up under your desk. In this podcast I offer some strategies so that you can get through your work obligations so that you can begin your journey of recovery.
How do you get through your first social function when you know that your expartner is going to attend and possibly be there with their new partner? Or what can you do if you are finding yourself alone at Christmas, Thanksgiving or your birthday. Alvia Turney from Act 4 Tomorrow shares her tips on how to survive what can be a terrifying and anxious time and turn this around to feeling empowered and confident to attend any future events.
Why do you think we fight with our partners? Listen to Erik Newton as we discus this issue and how breaking up can help us to better understand both our expartner and ourselves. And if we do not become aware of our issues and do the emotional work necessary to heal and rebuild we will carry the damage and baggage into future relationships.
Dealing with change at the best of times can be daunting. However when you are going through a breakup these changes can bring fear and anxiety back into your life as you try and cope the best way you can. There are a number of ways to make this process easier for you so that you feel that you can cope and everything will work out.